Pepco News

Featured Vendor for June - Philips Lighting

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 1, 2017 12:21:23 PM / by Christy Angie


Pepco is pleased to partner with Philips and offer the latest technologies in lighting illumination. The Pepco and Phillips teams are excited to bring you the latest in LED Lamp products. With the availability of utility energy rebates still ongoing, now is a great time to consider replacing your older style lamps and converting them to LED. You can earn rebates for the replacements and enjoy lower energy consumption in the future.

In addition to LED Lamps, Phillips also offers a complete line of Lighting Electronics, Lighting Controls, Luminaires, and Conventional Lamps. Contact your Pepco Sales Representative to schedule a lighting audit and start saving today.   LED Fast Facts Average of 50,000 hours lifecycle: Reduced Maintenance Costs Average of 60% less energy consumption: Savings to your bottom line.

Topics: philips lighting

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